Sunday, August 1, 2010

A month of change

So much has happened in the last thirty days! I apologize for not blogging more, but the upheaval has not been conducive to establishing any kind of schedule for writing-something I hope to change, now that I'm largely settled in. I can't believe I have been here for a whole month already! Time has flown-like I knew it would.

If you've been on my Facebook page, you've seen the photo uploads I've been dumping there-again, sorry things aren't labeled-same excuse. No more excuses! Here's a description of things so far-starting with the physical environment:

Australia that I have seen looks a lot like home-well, not MY home, but someone's--probably in L.A. or San Diego. Actually, my neighborhood looks a LOT like the neighborhood I've just left in Rancho Santa Margarita, where my friend Christine lives. The climate is temperate-almost daily rain, but loads of sunshine, too-with temperatures in the 60s, for the most part. I love it, but if this is winter-the dead of winter-I'm sort of dreading what summer will bring. Maybe it will be an UNSEASONABLY COOL summer?? Please, Lord? The houses in this suburb are large with somewhat Spanish hacienda-style influenced exteriors, creme stucco walls and terracotta roof tiles, and all kinds of tropical palms and huge ferns, Bird-of-Paradise plants bigger than my car (which I miss desperately!), and roses still straggling out winter blooms. The streets are wide and comfortable, and everyone seems to drive at maniacal speeds. Crossing the main road (Norwest Blvd) from my neighborhood to church/school is like playing a daily dose of Frogger-only it's much more fun on the computer than in real life!

Sydney is lovely-kind of like New York meets San Diego meets the Outer Banks, with a gorgeous Harbour thrown in, and about a third of the people that are walking the streets of NYC. Everything is ridiculously expensive, but SO much fun. I know why I'm at the Hills campus and not City-I'd run out of my savings in about a week, with all the great stuff to see & do. :( The Hills area is about 35 km northwest of the CBD (Central Business District) of Sydney-so just a little closer than Leesburg is to DC-like, maybe Reston to DC? There's lots of shopping, suburbia-style, but not much culture going on, as far as I can tell. Unless you are at Hillsong, or live in my HOUSE. There's culture out the wazoo around here...

A little snapshot of my roommates for you, starting with a non-roommate, who's pretty significant.

Tiph-is a second year pastoral studies student from Brisbane, in Queensland. She no longer lives in my house, because she gave her room up for me to live in. Literally, the Lord said go, find this American woman here, gave her directions, and she contacted me. It's the most expensive room in the house, but it's still cheaper than any college housing would've been, AND I get my own bedroom and bathroom. Pretty sweet deal-thank you, Jesus-and Tiph. She's built my faith in a way I hadn't known it needed building, especially after this last year. The first thing she said to me when I met her and thanked her for the room was, "Well, God says jump, and you say how high, right?" Wow...just, wow.

Sara is the "other" American in the house-from Buffalo, NY. She's 21, did two years of pastoral studies, and now has a lovely Aussie boyfriend (he works in a bakery and brings us treats), and a job at a local restaurant waiting tables. She plays the cello (I love it when she practices), has the same musical taste as me, loves her youth group girls that she leads, and has a new car (well, old/new) that was an anniversary gift from the boyfriend. She is immensely generous about sharing the car by running errands for us, and she's a total foodie. I love her. :) She's also got a nutty sense of humor and a funnnnky sense of style.

Jillayna is Canadian, and the next one closest from home-she's from Ontario. She studies worship leadership, and has just decided to finish her second year in December and go home after that. She's hilarious and sweet as can be, and resembles a lovable Barbie doll. Jillayna loves to work with kids, and she wants to do something with kids worship and curriculum writing.

Felicia is the other Canadian-from Winnipeg, Manitoba--just north of where hell freezes over in Minnesota, or something. (Brr!) Felicia has one more semester after this to finish her bachelor degree in Contemporary Ministry (apparently it was Theology when she started, and they switched it on her in the middle of the program. She is NOT happy about this.) Felicia is one of those wonderful people who knows how everything is run, and who gets called upon to do everything no one else either can do or wants to do because she does it right. She's also pretty feisty, and won't hesitate to tell you what's on her mind. She's smart and funny, and loves British comedy. I think she's a trip.

Elisabet is the Norwegian of the house. She did worship studies last year, and is doing pastoral studies this year. She's also a sweetie, fairly strongly opinioned (I think it's a Norwegian trait), and I don't see a lot of her. I like her, though-as I do all the girls.

Christine is the last of the housemates-for now. She just moved in last week, and she is Sri Lankan by race, and Swedish by nationality. She's a third year worship leadership student, and very sweet and fun. She loves fashion and wants to open her own design shop when she goes back to Sweden. I'm hoping that she'll cook a bit of Sri Lankan food for me before she goes!

My room in the house is the largest-the bed is a fairly uncomfortable twin, but there is a huge window, and hardwood floors and a huge closet with mirrored doors. I have a small bookshelf beside my bed, and a larger one against the wall. I bought a cheap/small Ikea-style desk, lamp and chair, and a wonderful red velvet corduroy lounge chair off the local version of Craigslist, and an art print from a Sydney gallery that completes the look. :) Very fun. I wish the bed was comfier, though-but it was free, and we all have our crosses to bear. :) Oh-I also bought an adorable knit covered water bottle that keeps me cosy warm at night. WHY do we not do water bottles at home? I am SO taking it home with me...

Speaking of the hot water bottle...I have resolved to get to bed at a decent hour this week, so I'm off. To be continued in the morning...

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